The Heaven’s Hundred is on the ballot for Best Contemporary Classical Composition

Attention voting members of the recording academy—my composition “The Heaven’s Hundred” for solo guitar is on the ballot this year in the category Best Contemporary Classical Composition, and we would very much appreciate your consideration for this work! 

“The Heaven’s Hundred,” written for and recorded by the American guitarist Matt Palmer for my recent album “Ka Ao” on the Frameworks Records label, was inspired by the events in Kyiv, Ukraine during the winter of 2013-14, when the Ukrainian people rose up en masse against their then Russian-puppet government. Around a hundred protesters were killed by the government forces before the regime collapsed; these protesters will forever be known as The Heaven’s Hundred. 

As we see today, the Ukrainian nation has inspired all freedom-loving people around the world by their fight to live free of oppression. This piece is dedicated first and foremost to the Ukrainian people, who have shown us all what courage is.

Please spread the word if you know anyone who votes in the GRAMMYS, to let them know of this work. You can hear it here.


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